I'm happy to admit my skepticisms - about politicians, nutritional content, the true value of sunscreen, how often to floss, moderation vs. indulgence - among others. But one thing continues to surprise and please me. There are nice people everywhere. Recently I visited Aspen, Colorado for the first time. I confess my preconceived notion of the playground of celebs, rich, Fendi/Gucci/Dior sporting svelte, pierced, rockers, cooler than cool, players. Instead, I met kindred spirits - lovers of music, musicians, beautiful blue skies, coffee shops with more outdoor seating than in, blue bicycles, rugby players in clown outfits and the celebration of them all. I'm no fool....there are curmudgeons everywhere, even the occasional rude & snotty clerk. But folks like the FedEx man in the Auburn shirt with infectious smile and robust laugh more than make up for them. I will contemplate the symbolism of Aspen - the possibility of the third point of my TN-FL-? triangle, for now. So, for today, this is really real - I believe in the goodness of people and their desire to connect and will celebrate my insatiable need to collect friends.
An Oklahoma connection - always. |
A Nashville connection. |
An Aspen connection. |
A 30A connection. |
Lynn and Alexandra |
Pondering their next move. |
Suzi + Kim = mustangs. |
Aspen committee meeting. |
That Cheryl's always smiling. |
Nathan and Kate. Winners in every category. |
Mason Reed and Heather Larson having fun in the Library. |
If you're going to have an insatiable need, that's a great one to have! You, my dear, are a friend magnet