I have previously confessed my obsession with photographs, namely mine. Today, I reenter the confessional booth. Anyone who knows me, even casually, can testify as to my preoccupation with the purchase of tickets to live music events, and namely the choice seats. To summarize, I like to be close enough to read the set list taped to the floor. So, when a favorite duo contacted me a few days ago with the promise of a presale that would begin today, I entered the date & time into my ibrain, setting not one, but two, alerts. Without a thought, at the last minute I dodged an appearance at a meeting, instead playing my preferred one-key instrument, the refresh button. BUT THEY SAID 10 O'CLOCK!!! No information immediately turned to Sold Out, the most dreaded two words a musicoholic can hear. Nothing to do but tweet my frustrations, relieving 'my' musicians of responsibility, of course, but fulfilling my need to reveal the wrongdoing. Roughly three hours later, again at my instrument of delight/doom, curiosity led me back to the presale page, where I was informed tickets would be available within the half-hour. Again, I delayed my appearance without apology, and just to prove I could, purchased three times the number of tickets I would have originally. While I'd love to think that my tweet was directly responsible for the reappearance of the presale opportunity, I'm not that hopeful. So, for today, this is really real - I am a person who loses most of my sense of reason when it comes to getting what I want, at least when it comes to tickets. Rodrigo y Gabriela

Kim - love your Bog's !